The Benefits of Values-Based Education
The essence of education is exploration, in which educators create relationships and environments conducive to such exploration. Educators seek to emancipate experience and enlarge knowledge, and the degree to which they achieve this depends on the circumstances. John Ellis developed a continuum of educational experiences, arguing that most learning occurs in an environment of a mix of formal and informal activities, such as conversation. There is no single formula for what constitutes education, but there are many models that offer different ways to conceptualize educational experiences.
Non-formal education
Non-Formal Education (NFE) refers to educational activities that do not follow a formal educational system. It originated in the 1960s and has recently been reborn. There are various types of NFE, each with its own pattern of instruction. Teachers design the environment and teach the subject according to the needs and abilities of students. NFE is an international phenomenon that has been adopted in many countries. It has proven its efficacy in helping individuals achieve their educational goals.
Values of education
Values of education promote individual personality development. It encourages children to live a life of positive values and fulfill their social obligations. Students who receive value education develop a sense of responsibility, character and a positive attitude. Value education promotes a strong family life and positive attitudes towards life. The following are some of the benefits of values-based education. You may also want to learn more about the various types of values education. Listed below are some of the major types of values education.
Investing in education
The economic sector benefits directly from investment in education. The products of education are skilled and semi-skilled labour. Proper application of economic principles ensures adequate production of relevant human capital and minimizes wastage in human resource development. Investment in education should result in the production of a highly skilled and relevant labour force. Inadequate production of skilled labour leads to increased unemployment and waste of education resources. However, inefficiently invested resources in education have the opposite effect.
Impact of education on a country’s economy
Higher educational attainment is associated with greater productivity and economic growth. Education improves the skills and knowledge of workers and increases their productivity. While economic growth depends on various factors, such as physical capital, technology and number of workers, education improves human capital. Human capital is the stock of knowledge, skills and habits of people. The more educated a worker is, the more productive the country’s economy will be.
Values of education on peace in societies
The Values of Education on Peace in Societies are fundamentally linked with the community, and must therefore be a fundamental component of school curricula. In this article, we look at some ways in which school curricula can promote peace education. Developing a school curriculum with this theme in mind requires a comprehensive approach, including the incorporation of the curriculum into other subjects. The following articles discuss some of the most important aspects of peace education.
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