What is Entertaiment?

Entertaiment is the term for activities that engage people’s attention and hold it for a prolonged period. The word has come to be associated with amusement and fun, but entertainments can also have a serious purpose, as in the case of ceremonies, religious festivals, or satire.

One of the earliest forms of entertainment was children’s play, which teaches them social skills by mimicking adult activities (watching performances or playing games); prepares them for future responsibilities such as child rearing and home ownership (through dolls, pets and group games); and improves motor skills for sports and music through active participation in games and physical activity.

Stories are also a form of entertainment, as evidenced by the popular tale Scheherazade, which is known for inspiring an orchestral work by composers Rimsky-Korsakov and Ravel, a film by director Pasolini, and innovative video games. Discussing new apps that are available is another great way to entertain people and keep them informed.